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SBIS Newsletters

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Autumn 2024: SBIS News; Ancient Woodland Inventory; CWS Owners’ event; County Wildlife Site Panel Visits; County Geodiversity Sites revisited; Nature First Small Grants Scheme; Prohibition on spruce planting in Suffolk; Baby Beaver Boom; Tea Party Oak; Garden management to help amphibians this winter; Re-Mapping Abbey Grove, Felixstowe; BSBI – Botanical Skills Webinars; Conferences, Webinars and Training

Summer 2024: SBIS News; Ancient Woodland Inventory; SBIS Website changes; New Ancient Woodland hub; Suffolk Coprolites; County Wildlife Site Owners Network; 9 Happy Years; River Deben Action Plan and Water Restoration Fund Bid; Hedgehogs: All you need to know & how to help!; SNS Invertebrate Recording Meeting; Events

Spring 2024: SBIS News; Ancient Woodland Inventory: Two new volunteer roles; More of Suffolk’s tree cover and orchards to be restored; What landowners can do now to gear up for the biodiversity net gain market; Guide to SBIS hedgerow maps; Searching for Shrews; National Polecat Survey; Restoring nature in your back garden; Old falconry skills put to good use in wildlife rehabilitation; Trimley Marshes Breeding Wader Project; Local Nature Recovery Strategy; Wilder Together in the Stour Valley; We want your rubbish!; £95,000 of grant funding available across Suffolk and Essex; Red Crag Fossils; Do you own a County Wildlife Site?; New video released: Next Steps with Regenerative Agriculture; Boosting wild bees on farmlands; Events.

Autumn 2023: SBIS News; Discover Suffolk’s Hedgerows; Historic Mapping of Ancient Woodland Research Volunteers Wanted; Suffolk Traditional Orchard Group Newsletter; New volunteering opportunities for nature lovers; Giant Stag Beetle habitat sculpture completed; Boosting Suffolk’s canopy cover, one parish at a time; The 2023 Great British Beach Clean 2023 is now complete!; Ferry Cliff SSSI; Nature and communities set to benefit from £33,000 funding boost; Scabious Specialists; New report on plant and fungi diversity; Dark skies, improved access, and broadened horizons in the Dedham Vale; Suffolk Naturalists’ Society Autumn Members’ Evening Thur 16 Nov; 23rd National Biodiversity Network Conference “Making data work for nature”; Events. 

Summer 2023: SBIS News; Into the Wild – Exploring the Rewilding Debate; JNCC would love to hear your thoughts on habitat recording!; What do birds mean to you?; Pin Wing and Ticky the Barn Owls are ready to be released; River Waveney Trust News; In Search of the Elusive Crayfish; Ancient Woodland Inventory Update in Suffolk; Mini Meadows: Changing Management and Mindsets; Celebrating a successful first year for the Ipswich Tree Warden Network; Orchids Galore!; Plant Atlas 2020; Suffolk’s Coralline Crag Rock-Bed; Landscapes for All in Suffolk and Essex; Insect Morphology Guides; BioBlitz 2023 at FSC Flatford Mill; Restoring Suffolk’s Traditional Orchards; Suffolk Tree Warden Network Native Black Poplar Project; Can you help the Green Light Trust?; Restoring ancient woodlands in the Stour Valley; Re-Mapping Newbourne Springs Nature Reserve; New Habitat Surveying Courses; £1 Million in match funding available to protect and restore nature; Events.

Spring 2023: SBIS News; Ancient Woodland Survey Volunteers; River Waveney Farming Cluster; A boost for biodiversity in the Broads National Park; The Footprints Conservation Volunteers; Managing plants under water; District Level Licensing (DLL) scheme for Great Crested Newts renewed; Suffolk Owl Sanctuary relaunches nest box project; Planting trees in Felixstowe with local school pupils; Ipswich Loves Trees!; Preventing Plastic Pollution; Survey results show impact of plastic on Suffolk’s beaches; Loving Nature on Valentine’s Day; Suffolk Naturalists’ Society present Into the Wild; The role of soils in nature recovery; County Wildlife Sites Webinar; Suffolk’s Green Story; Farming grant scheme in Suffolk and Essex extended; Breckland community grant funding; Significant funding available for community projects; Events.

Autumn 2022: SBIS News; Ancient Woodland Inventory Update; Council scheme helps Harleston’s wildflower Jubilee Meadow bloom; Preventing Plastic Pollution on the River Waveney – one drinks bottle at a time; One for The Repair Shop?; Sudbourne Park SSSI; County Wildlife Sites visits; Mighty Oaks of Staverton; The Suffolk Water Crisis; Wind farm funds community projects in Leiston and Sizewell; Ipswich proud to achieve ‘Tree City of the World’ status; New volunteering opportunities in the Coast & Heaths Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty; Riparian Tree Planting in Suffolk; Events.

Summer 2022: Monitoring Suffolk’s County Geodiversity Sites (CGS); River Waveney Trust Update; East Bergholt Hedgehog Friendly Village Project; Speak up for wildlife in West Suffolk Local Plan; Creating sustainability in community-based conservation; Hunting the Aliens; Events.

Spring 2022: SBIS news; Surveying our Geological SSSIs; River habitat enhancement work; Urban greening in Felixstowe; Footprints – Conservation Volunteering; Community tree nurseries; Ancient woodland inventory; Roadside Nature Reserve project; A local nature recovery strategy for Suffolk; Sustainable development fund grants; Community nature project grants, Landscape recovery scheme funding; Biffa awards – Partnership grants programme; Events.

Winter 2019: SBIS news; The Pliocene Forest 10 years on; Suffolk Golf Course Wins recognition for its Ecology Work; Improving the Riparian Habitat in the River Gipping Catchment; Suffolk Planning and Biodiversity Group Achievements; Felixstowe Community Nature Reserve: Feeding the Soil Project; Local Wildlife Corridors Scheme; SNS conference - Roadside verges; The Yellow Fish Strikes Again; Suffolk Roadside Nature Reserves Update; AONB Network response to wildlife decline and climate crisis.

Autumn 2019: SBIS news; Catchment scale restoration on the River Blyth; Felixstowe Community Nature Reserve - an exciting year ahead; Challenges and Choices 2019 consultation; Autumn work party at Sutton; State of Nature Report 2019; Suffolk Roadside Nature Reserves Update; New steps forward for Felixstowe’s Citizen Science Group; SNS Conference: on the Verge of Success; Bees under siege in Suffolk; Green Print Forum Beach Watch event; One man went to mow, Butterfly Conservation; The latest news from SWT’s Carlton Marshes Reserve; C-Side Project Update; Suffolk Coast & Heaths AONB - Conservation Work Days; SVEN’s ‘Wild in the Stour Valley’ Family Day.

Summer 2019: SBIS news; SNS Conference - On the Verge of Success; Bugs and Blossoms - an Art-based Approach to Conservation; Lots of Good Terns at RSPB Minsmere; Water Bird Survey in the Stour Estuary; Westleton’s Pebbles Explained; Minsmere Fuel Station; Suffolk’s Roadside Nature Reserves; Water Voles Galore along the Suffolk / Norfolk Border; A Trio of Rare Moths; Suffolk’s sharks, Sea cucumbers and Sand eels Protected; Sandy Stiltball Project - Suffolk Volunteers Needed; Stour Valley Education Network Event; Portal Woodlands Conservation Group; Keeping our Watercourses Clear from Litter and Pollution in Yellow Fish Campaign.

Spring 2019: SBIS news; Riparian Tree Planting in Suffolk; Fen Raft Spider Nursery Counters Needed; Breckland and its Rabbits: Pest or Agricultural Engineer?; Colouring in the Margins; Bookings open for Dedham Vale AONB and Stour Valley Forum 21st June 2019; Grants Available - Dedham Vale AONB; Beachwatch - AONB News; Salt Marsh Citizen Science Opportunity (C-Side Project); New Family Courses from Suffolk Wildlife Trust; Volunteer Damselfly Surveys; Mapping Bird Visits in Felixstowe Gardens; Felixstowe Community Nature Reserve Celebrates 4th Birthday; Brecks Fen Edge and Rivers Project; Saproxylic beetle Cyclorhipidion bodoanum new to Britain found at Sotterley Park; Anglian Water and Groundwork celebrated World Oceans Day; Noble Chafer Survey; Waldringfield Village Verges; Slimy Fruited Stonewort Found in Suffolk.

Winter 2018: SBIS news; ‘Only rain down the drain’ in Yellow Fish Campaign; Red Crag renewed; The Great British Beach Clean; Felixstowe Community Nature Reserve - Plans for 2019; In the Shadow of Sizewell C - a prime site for Lepidoptera; Suffolk Coast & Heaths and Dedham Vale AONBs and Stour Valley project update; Sandlands Facilitation - Farmer Led groups for Conservation; Save our Suffolk Swifts - Marlborough Road Neighbourhood Swift Project; Suffolk Naturalists’ Society events; UK’s first Tree Charter Day and National Tree Week.

Autumn 2018: SBIS news; Improving in-channel habitat in Stowmarket; Pond skater survey in Felixstowe; Bawdsey Cliff SSSI: Underground Economics; Suffolk Tree Warden Network; UK Habitat Classification; Suffolk AONB Update; Felixstowe Community Nature Reserve supports the European Citizen Science Network; An Unexpected Abundance of Red Admirals; Suffolk Otter News; Breckland Society Journal Vol. 2 published; RSPB Lowering Seawall to Protect Suffolk’s only island; Citizen Scientists Needed for Beach Project; Planning in a designated landscape: Guides, Rules and Tools conference; Suffolk Coast & Heaths AONB Work Parties; Partnership for Biodiversity in Planning - Wildlife Assessment Check; Updating the database for Native Black Poplars (Populus nigra var. betulifolia).

Summer 2018: SBIS news; River Enhancement Projects helping to Conserve Native Black Poplar in Suffolk; Recently Discovered Grey seal behaviour; Great British Beach Clean; Citizen Science Project - Hedgehogs; Big Butterfly Count; Suffolk Hedgerow Survey; Magnificent Meadows Project in the Stour Valley; Pliocene Forest Open Day 2018; Prioritising Nature Conservation Survey; East Suffolk is an Environment Agency Priority Catchment; Bredfield Jubilee Meadow and Orchard; Suffolk Community Barn Owl Project; Horseflies are, on close inspection, rather beautiful; Beach Bonkers; Stour Valley Environment Fund; A conservationists’ bête noire; Learn to survey orchards in Suffolk. 

Spring 2018: SBIS news; Crags and Clays; The Lost Words of Nature return to Suffolk primary schools; ‘Magnificent Meadows’ in the Stour Valley - survey help needed; Suffolk Wildlife Trust professional ecology courses; Helping swifts in the Eye area; The East Country: Almanac Tales of Valley and Shore; People, Ponds and Water Project; Update on plastics - Suffolk Coast & Heaths AONB; Fantastic Fenland Bioblitz; Geology Gallery Reimagined; Suffolk Coast & Heaths AONB Tree Nursery Project; Suffolk Otter News; Suffolk Tree Warden Network relaunched; Norfolk Biodiversity Awards - nominations open; Suffolk AONBs say Thank You to all volunteers; Tiger Hill LNR waxcaps; The Big Garden Birdwatch results; The State of the UK’s Bats.

Winter 2017: SBIS news; Suffolk County Council Ecology Team; Fish Population Survey Report—River Stour (Middle) 2016; Suffolk Otter News; University of Suffolk Wildlife Ecology and Conservation Course; Urban Buzz Ipswich; Two New Records for RSPB Minsmere; Suffolk AONBs Update; Suffolk County Council Indicators; West Stow Toad Barrier Update; Suffolk Birds just published; The Saltmarsh App; Piggyback Pinkgill fungi found at Tiger Hill LNR; Felixstowe Community Nature Reserve; SBIS contribution to global research mentioned.

Summer 2017: SBIS news; Hartest Community Orchard; Monitoring Tubular Water-dropwort and Greater Water-parsnip in East Anglia; Join Beach Bonkers this summer; Felixstowe Community Nature reserve Update; ‘Ancient oaks in the English Landscape’ - a review; Return to Bobbitshole; Ambitious 6-county Orchards Project Hits Go; Suffolk AONBs Update; East Suffolk Greenprint Forum supporting local communities; Bats in Churches Partnership Project; Elm - the only host plant for the White-letter Hairstreak; New Grant Fund - Anglian Water Flourishing Environment Fund; Suffolk’s Nature Strategy a County Council Priority for 2017-2021; Snippets from Natural England; Free maps of Greenspaces in Gt Britain; Sudbury Area Wildlife Newsletter; Bures Community clears alien invasive species.

Spring 2017: SBIS news; Ipswich Hedgehog Project; A day at the Pliocene Beach; Nature Natterers; ’Getting the Green Edge’; Water & So Much More at Lound; Orchards East; Blyth Woods Community Woodland; Suffolk Community Barn Owl Project; GeoSuffolk’s phone-friendly website; Felixstowe Community Nature Reserve update; Bat Training Days; Carter’s Meadow Community Project; Importance of Suffolk AONBs; Projects - keeping up to date and getting involved; How many of Britain’s wild mammals have you seen?; People’s Trust for Endangered Species; Spreading their Wings; Manifesto for the Green Mind; Swifts in Woodbridge; Ufford Parklands Woods; SWT - Get Ready for 30 days Wild; Help to Record Suffolk’s native black poplar; Farmers in East cultivate hopes for future of Stone-curlews; Appeal for new Nature Reserve in Broads hits £400 k milestone; Biodiversity News Issue 75 published.

Autumn 2016: Outstanding national result for SBIS; Suffolk Biodiversity Project Fund; Wild Boyton; Creation of Suffolk Broads National Nature Reserve; Suffolk Birds 2015 available; More Scattered Orchards and New Pollinator Patches in Suffolk/Essex AONBs; Eastern Region plays key role in record number of Common Cranes; Habitat Enhancements to the Somersham water-course at Bramford; Clearing the North Face at Sutton Knoll; Bags of money; Biodiversity boost for Bridge Wood; Making Ipswich the most hedgehog friendly town in the UK; Red Crag revisited; SBIS Planners’ Update Autumn 2016 published; A visitor from afar; River habitat enhancement project - River Stour at Wiston; Bitterns experiencing a baby boom; Update from the Suffolk AONBs; Suffolk Natural History Journals available online.

Summer 2016: SBIS — Rosemary Leaf Beetle Survey; West Stow Toad Rescue Project; Felixstowe Community Nature Reserve; Sudbury Area Wildlife - New Newsletter; Purdis Heath Update; Mammals on Roads project needs your help; Do you want to help Suffolk’s wading birds?; Ipswich welcomes its first hedgehog officer; Oak Processionary Moth update Natural England; Thetford Forest survey; New App for arable plants; Urban Wildlife — A resource that could change our world; Biodiversity News Summer Issue; Open Day at the Pliocene Forest; Suffolk’s Fab 40 Adventures; What are your priorities?; Growing up Wild; Surveying Minsmere’s Otters; Tree Health News; Wolves, Pantaloons and Parasites; Children more motivated to learn outside; Suffolk Biodiversity Partnership.

Spring 2016: Introducing Suffolk Biodiversity Information Service; Eden Rose Coppice Trust Sudbury; The Species Recovery Trust; Garden Bioblitz June; Breckland Flora Group; Volunteers get the buzz for recording; New Distribution Maps for Suffolk Butterflies; Looking inside the Breckland Stripes; Wake up and Smell the Coffee; Tiger Hill Bioblitz results; Help us build a picture of Wildlife in the Brecks; B-lines Update for Suffolk; A new Charter for Trees, Woods and People; Red Crag Revealed; Suffolk Polecat Survey; Swifts in Woodbridge—please contribute to our 2016 survey; The clean water for life survey; Wild Ipswich Swifts ‘n Sparrows; National Water Vole Monitoring Programme; Spotted a stag beetle? Help save the UK’s largest land beetle by recording your sightings; Clearing the coralline crag; Invasive species survey Little Ouse; Asian Hornets in the News; Beetle Drive (Scarlet Malachite); Exploring schools’ use of natural spaces; Suffolk Biodiversity Partnership.

Autumn/Winter 2015: Fen Raft Spiders return to Suffolk; In Breckland with GeoSuffolk; RSPB Big Schools Birdwatch; Suffolk Biological Recording Bursary — FSC Flatford Mill; Suffolk Naturalists’ Society Conference; East Suffolk Catchment Partnership; European Turtle Dove joins the list of species facing global extinction; Enhancing habitats in the River Waveney between Scole and Billingsford; Introducing Felixstowe's Community Nature Reserve; Partnership working to enhance the River Stour at Great Bradley; SBRC Recording Online - Invasive Non-native Species; Wildlife Recorders of Tomorrow; Hanging Hill Orchard, Rattlesden; Seawall Biodiversity Handbook; Beachwatch and the Great British Beach Clean; Ipswich Wildlife Network; Suffolk Biodiversity Partnership News.

Summer 2015: Little tern update; Suffolk’s County Wildlife Sites; News from Suffolk Wildlife Trust; Operation Turtle Dove – the return of Titan; Suffolk’s Rare Bryophytes; Suffolk Community Barn Owl Project update; Lapwing success at Minsmere; Rosemary Beetles; Natural England update; New fence at Minsmere leads to successful breeding season; Westleton Common Pit; Ash Dieback – Chalara; Wings over the Brecks; People’s Trust for Endangered Species Orchard Project; SOS Swifts; Keeping non-native invasive species at bay - the importance of good biosecurity; Looking out for invasive species in estuaries – factsheets; Rabbits in the Brecks; Suffolk Biodiversity Partnership News.

Spring 2015: Haverhill SWT Wildlife Group’s Bat Box Project; Information for those working on coastal defences; Little Tern project; Possible new biosecurity measures to combat freshwater invasive non-native species; Construction of new turf ponds at Oulton Marshes increases biodiversity; Water vole survey; Suffolk wader strategy; Seasearch East marine and brackish water species colonisation project; A tree-mendous day on the Gipping; Swift progress at Worlington; Narrow mouthed whorl snail on the Suffolk coast; Yellow-striped Bear Spider found at Havergate Island; Suffolk Bat Group wins Greenest County Highly Commended Award; Identify and Record Shield Bugs App; Minsmere’s Adder Trail; Scattered Orchard Project in the AONBs; Hedgehog surveys; Site management at Orford Castle Pit CGS; Suffolk Community Barn Owl Project—Report for 2014; New research provides farmers with techniques to help turtle dove recovery; The Suffolk Swift Survey; Get online recording with Suffolk BRO; New community Challenge fund for groups making a difference for wildlife; Defending the Directives - urgent help needed to protect Suffolk’s most precious sites; Suffolk Biodiversity Partnership News.

Autumn/Winter 2014: Castle Manor Academy Orchard Restoration Project; A Facelift for North Warren; CAP reform – all change on the farming front; A Grand Stag Do; Site management at Westleton Heath Pit CGS; CMSi – An international system for managing sites for conservation; A Popular Crake; Breathing life into the River Brett; Suffolk’s Nature Strategy; NOMS Award for 2013: national winners HMP & YOI Hollesley Bay; RSPB in the Brecks; River enhancements in north and south Suffolk; The Great British Beach Clean – another ‘Outstanding’ success in the Suffolk Coast & Heaths AONB; Suffolk FWAG Farm Conservation Award; Suffolk Biodiversity Partnership News.