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Issue Contents:
Autumn 2023: A history of Suffolk Traditional Orchard Group, STOG Membership, STOG Activities 2023-4 – Food Museum Apple Day Sat 21st Oct & Apple Week 21-28th Oct 2023, Grafting courses in winter 2024, Compiling a list of Suffolk’s community orchards, ONCA Project... Will the real Malus sylvestris please stand up!, Publishing the OE Orchard Biodiversity Project Report, Disentangling mirabelles, myrobalans and cherry plums for a new Advice Note, Is 2023 the worst apple crop ever?, Recently available books, Monica’s recipe for October 2023, STOG Advice Notes, Practical Actions for Orchard Communities.
Orchards East Spring 2017: Ambitious 6-county orchards project hits ‘Go’!, Transfer of STOG newsletter to Orchards East for 3 years, Orchards East inaugural conference 8th July, STOG’s (and OE’s) Buying Scheme, And now for something completely different... Fritters, DNA fingerprinting in Suffolk 2016, Pear Rust, Hartest Scattered Orchard.
January 2016: 'Orchards East', Events Calendar Spring 2016, Orchard sites to visit - any ideas? Learning to Graft, Here we go a-wassailing! and lots of great photos too!
Summer 2015: 'New and Old Orchards for Suffolk' Project; Events, Polsted Black Cherries... again; Ancient Tree Forum meeting; Orchards East update; STOG buying scheme 2014-2015; Healthy (bitter) fruit; To preserve and pickle codlings; People’s Trust for Endangered Species Traditional Orchard Project;, Apple pressing equipment.
Summer 2014: How to define a traditional orchard; An outline of the STOG buying scheme; Orchard Biodiversity – Does that Include Pests?; STOG at the Suffolk Show; and The Future of STOG. Our culinary historian, Monica Askay, gives us some recipe ideas for cherries, Anglo-Saxon inspired ideas for fruit dishes, a recipe for mulberry gin and some ideas on how to use dried apples.
Spring 2014: Sarah Day’s walk around Dunwich and Minsmere taking in several apple and pear trees. You can do the walk too - there’s a map and text to follow; Paul’s article on how other seaside fruit trees fared after the storm surge; apple juicing; pollination, pruning and silver-leaf in plums; and recipe swaps and historical fruit recipes from our food historian, Monica Askay. Paul has added some fascinating botanical comments to this article.
Autumn 2013: Earwigs in orchards, more about fruit leathers, a history of Christmas food, interesting fruit at plum and apple days in 2013, orchard tooth - a rare fungus, the cherry Polstead Black, Suffolk orchard survey update, cobnuts, receipt swaps, experiments with mulberries and fruit trees by the sea.
Summer 2013: Monica Askay's new 'Recipe Swap' and Fruit Leathers; Summer tree fruit (mulberries); the mysteries of the Norfolk Beefing apple; Sour cherries, Morellos, Amarelles and Dukes; apples in July and August; new information on the quince membrillo / marmalade discussion; update on Suffolk Traditional Orchard survey.
Spring 2013: Pear trees in bloom, Programme of events, Cobnuts in Suffolk and the Kentish Cobnut Association, Beefings and Biffins by Monica Askay, What's in a name (Coalman apple), STOG's orchard tree buying scheme, Opportunities to graft fruit trees, Common cobnuts in Suffolk, Sour cherries, Morellos and Dukes and the sequence of tree blossom in spring.
January 2013: An apple called Rattle, Programme of events, Advice Notes & Mini-Monographs available, Seaside fruit trees, Suffolk orchard collections, Marmalade in the C16th (and recipe) by Monica Askay, Can you help us?
April 2012: Orchard survey progress, Success for workshops, Orchard wildlife, Apple dumplings recipe, Scattered Orchards Project, STOG plum day, New orchards, Apple / autumn fruit days, Fruit identification, Events, Projects, Suffolk fruit collections, STOG Advice Notes.
January 2012: Launch of New and Old Orchards for Suffolk, project aims, why orchards are important, events and workshops. The Kentish Cobnut Association has a very interesting newsletter. For further information visit the Kentish Cobnut Association website
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Survey of Suffolk Orchards |