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Planning and Biodiversity Seminars

Organised by Suffolk Biodiversity Information Service, Norfolk Biodiversity Partnership and the Association for Local Government Ecologists for planning professionals and ecological consultants. A popular event, providing excellent Continuing Professional Development and networking opportunities.

Delegates come from Norfolk and Suffolk, with visitors from Essex and Cambridgeshire. The audience, of about 90 people, hear about the latest national and regional developments as well as Best Practice for incorporating biodiversity into spatial planning and development management.

Topics have included Wildlife Crime, Actions for Swifts, Turtle Doves, Stag Beetles and Reptiles, Bio-offsetting, Green Infrastructure, Suffolk Nature Strategy, Recreational Disturbance on European Sites, Habitat Regulations Assessment and Solar Farms. The inspiring and thought-provoking presentations for seminars from 2013 onwards are archived here, follow the links below to view the presentation summaries and slides for a seminar.


Planning and Biodiversity Seminar 2021

1: Biodiversity Net Gain Update, 2: A developer's perspective on Biodiversity Net Gain, 3: Applying Net Gain in Greater Manchester, 4: Biodiversity Net Gain from a Wildlife Trust perspective, 5: Using Biodiversity Net Gain to drive landscape-scale change.

Planning and Biodiversity Seminar 2019

1: Update on key national issues, 2: Regional update on initiatives related to biodiversity and planning, 3: The principles of Biodiversity Net Gain in Rivers and Streams, 4: Suffolk Ecological Network Project, 5: District Level Licensing for Great Crested Newts: An Update, 6: Otters and Planning (not available online), 7: Planning a Future Landscape with Water Voles, 8: Bats and Watercourses (includes notes), 9: Innovative Wetlands: the Ingol Case Study and Planning for the Future, 10: An overview of the engineering and biodiversity of the SuDS at Bramford.

Planning and Biodiversity Seminar 2018

1: Update on key national issues, 2: Spatial Planning for Health: Green Infrastructure, 3: Planning for Pollinators, 4: Suffolk Design: Biodiversity – 1, 5: Suffolk Design: Biodiversity – 2, 6: Mitigation for stag beetles - the Absence of Evidence is not Evidence of Absence, 7: Potential uses of existing bird survey data to facilitate planning decisions, 8: People Over Wind case – implications for Development Control Decision Making, 9: Wildlife Crime and Developments.

Planning and Biodiversity Seminar 2017

1: Update on key national issues, 2: Brexit, the process and what it means for the natural environment, 3: District-level licensing for Great Crested Newt mitigation, 4: Biodiversity Net Gain - good practice principles, 5: Making farmland work for wildlife and people, 6: Planning for dormice – a landscape-scale approach, 7: Recreational Disturbance Avoidance and Mitigation Strategy, 8: Nature-based solutions in the urban realm - from green roofs to rain gardens.

Planning and Biodiversity Seminar 2016

1: Update on key national issues, 2: Five things a Planner can do, 3: What Good Mitigation Looks Like (3a. Hedgehogs, 3b. Common Toads, 3c. Swifts), 4: Bridging the gap: Local authorities working together to protect barbastelle bats at a landscape scale, 5: Visitor Survey Results from Natura2000 sites in Norfolk, 6: The Biodiversity Duty, 7: Managing risks of development near European Sites – a quick & dirty guide to Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA) requirements.

Planning and Biodiversity Seminar 2015

1: Update on key national issues, 2: Wildlife crime: what do planners need to know? 3: Natural England licensing update, 4: Swift nest boxes: how planners can build in success, 5: Norfolk Recreation Project – determining visitor patterns across Natura 2000 sites in Norfolk, 6: Developing a Biodiversity Checking Service for Planning Applications, 7: Connecting Nature Fund: bio-offsetting in Norfolk, 8: Broxted Solar Farm Monitoring: a case study.

Planning and Biodiversity Seminar 2014

1: Update on key national issues, 2: Delivering Green Infrastructure – from concept to implementation, 3: Community Infrastructure Levy: funding for nature, 4: Suffolk Nature Strategy – Opportunities for planners to make a difference, 5: Simple measures to benefit wildlife through planning: Three case studies (5a. Planning for Turtle Doves, 5b. Reptiles on-site, are we doing our duty? 5c. Planning: Mitigation Measures for Stag Beetles), 6: ‘Dorset Protocol’, an innovative approach to European Protected Species, 7: Natural England update including SSSI Impact Risk Zones.

Planning and Biodiversity Seminar 2013

1: Update on key national issues, 2: North Norfolk's experiences of solar farm developments, 3: Biodiversity enhancements for solar farms, 4: Neighbourhood Plans, 5: Wild Anglia adding value to strategic planning matters, 6: Habitat Regulations Assessment, 7: Recreational impacts on European sites, 8: Open Forum Session